CBES is committed to promoting sustainable development on the Eastern Shore.
Economic Success, Natural Resource Preservation and Social Responsibility are inter-related, and all are necessary for a healthy, successful community -- A BETTER EASTERN SHORE!
To Inform & Equip Citizens and Local Government for Sound Public Policy

SHORELINE NEWS JOURNAL: Since 1988, an independent voice providing information and in-depth analysis on a broad range of issues that impact the Shore Community, many of which are ignored or dealt with only superficially in local media.
STUDIES/FORUMS: Over the years, CBES has sponsored, and financed sometimes with grant funding, opportunities for residents and local officials to learn about issues related to taxation, zoning regulation and development.
Most recently: ACCOMACK/NORTHAMPTON Forum on "Community Impacts of Industrial Poultry" with panel of scientists and others, including health expert from John Hopkins. Also "Northampton Community Forum" on Proposed 2015 Zoning including certified Planning Commissioners, local realtor, scientists, ShoreKeeper etc. [Past CBES programs include:Cost of Community Services with American Farmland Trust, Land-Use Taxation,and Northampton Visual Preference Survey provided information useful in creation of last Comprehensive Plan.]
STUDIES/FORUMS: Over the years, CBES has sponsored, and financed sometimes with grant funding, opportunities for residents and local officials to learn about issues related to taxation, zoning regulation and development.
Most recently: ACCOMACK/NORTHAMPTON Forum on "Community Impacts of Industrial Poultry" with panel of scientists and others, including health expert from John Hopkins. Also "Northampton Community Forum" on Proposed 2015 Zoning including certified Planning Commissioners, local realtor, scientists, ShoreKeeper etc. [Past CBES programs include:Cost of Community Services with American Farmland Trust, Land-Use Taxation,and Northampton Visual Preference Survey provided information useful in creation of last Comprehensive Plan.]
To Promote Open Government & Community Involvement

CBES ATTENDS AND ENCOURAGES CITIZEN PARTICIPATION AT KEY SHORE MEETINGS: CBES employs SHORELINE and social media to alert the citizenry on upcoming meetings and to report on Shore issues. CBES serves as a government watchdog to advocate that citizens' interests are central to the local decision making process.
CBES SPONSORS MEET-THE-CANDIDATES FORUMS: Held for all contested local elections in Accomack & Northampton Counties. These are a rare opportunity for citizens to hear and evaluate the candidates who could make the crucial decisions that impact our community.
CBES CONDUCTS COMMUNITY DISCUSSIONS, SEMINARS & EVENTS such as Community Impacts of Industrial Poultry, Community Health Fair, Northampton County Zoning Forum, School Board Candidates Seminar, and a Forum on Racism.
CBES SPONSORS MEET-THE-CANDIDATES FORUMS: Held for all contested local elections in Accomack & Northampton Counties. These are a rare opportunity for citizens to hear and evaluate the candidates who could make the crucial decisions that impact our community.
CBES CONDUCTS COMMUNITY DISCUSSIONS, SEMINARS & EVENTS such as Community Impacts of Industrial Poultry, Community Health Fair, Northampton County Zoning Forum, School Board Candidates Seminar, and a Forum on Racism.
To Bring Citizens Together: Engage in Meaningful Discussion & Strengthen Community Ties

CBES is a co-founder and co-sponsor, together with Northampton Public Schools and the NAACP, of the annual Community Unity Breakfast attended by several hundred Shore citizens on the morning of Martin Luther King Day. It is a coming together, a heartwarming celebration of our diverse community -an awesome way to start the year!
CBES Annual Meeting usually held in early June, it has evolved into a afternoon picnic for members and future members to gather in fellowship and fun. [There is a brief update on CBES activities and the election of Board Members.] Live music and BYO in a century-old barn. Come out and connect with your CBES Board, community leaders, and neighbors!
CBES Annual Meeting usually held in early June, it has evolved into a afternoon picnic for members and future members to gather in fellowship and fun. [There is a brief update on CBES activities and the election of Board Members.] Live music and BYO in a century-old barn. Come out and connect with your CBES Board, community leaders, and neighbors!
To Create - Jump Start - Mentor COMMUNITY GROUPS

CBES has been instrumental in the creation of several organizations that were founded by CBES board members and spun off from CBES to become autonomous. These include Virginia Eastern Shorekeeper, Northampton Economic Forum, Northampton Housing Trust and Waste Watchers. Your support of CBES has also allowed us to assist a number of fledgling organizations among these are VES Land Trust, Friends of Onancock School, Bayview Citizens for Social Justice, and two programs designed to provide educational opportunities for preschool age children – Northampton’s PRIDE program and the SPARK program in Accomack.